Storyline : Donatella and Beatrice reside in a psychiatric facility in Tuscany. They have very different life stories, bu...
Storyline : Donatella and Beatrice reside in a psychiatric facility in Tuscany. They have very different life stories, but a chance to escape brings them together in an adventure that will change their lives forever and will help them realize the beauty in imperfection. {full_page}
Cast : Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, Micaela Ramazzotti, Valentina Carnelutti, Sergio Albelli, Tommaso Ragno, Luisanna Messeri, Francesco Lagi, Giada Parlanti, Paolo Vivaldi, Alice Terranova, Chiara Arrighi, Fabrizio Brandi, Maria Grazia Bon, Mimma Pirré
French Version
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