S toryline : Eight years after the events of The Dark Knight, the terrorist leader Bane arrives in Gotham City, pushing it and its polic...
Storyline : Eight years after the events of The Dark Knight, the terrorist leader Bane arrives in Gotham City, pushing it and its police force to their limits, forcing its former hero Batman to resurface after taking the fall for Harvey Dent's crimes. {full_page}
Cast : Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway, Tom Hardy, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, Marion Cotillard, Ben Mendelsohn, Morgan Freeman, Matthew Modine, Josh Stewart, Tom Conti, Burn Gorman, Alon Aboutboul, Daniel Sunjata, Juno Temple, Nestor Carbonell, Aidan Gillen, Brett Cullen, Cillian Murphy, Chris Ellis, Liam Neeson, Wade Williams, Josh Pence, Mark Killeen, Joey King, Courtney Munch, Ming Wang, Claire Julien {fbt_slider_post}
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