Storyline : Anabel is a beautiful and innocent young woman who lives a normal life with her modest job. Oskar is a brilliant...
Storyline : Anabel is a beautiful and innocent young woman who lives a normal life with her modest job. Oskar is a brilliant and handsome entrepreneur amassing an impressive fortune. His lifestyle goes beyond the limits of imagination. Oskar lives with an inner-emptiness that no possession or experience can fulfill. One day after almost running over Anabel with his car, a spark of mutual attraction is inevitable and a torrid romance ensues. Anabel begins to fall into Oskar's world of sexual and erotic games. Although Anabel tries to stay open-minded and play along for a while, Oskar wants more. With the self-destructive nature of Oskar, the fun and sexy games begin to decay and spiral downward into dangerous acts that lead to tragedy. {fbt_gallery_post}
Cast : Alejandro Estrada, Juan Pablo Castañeda, Nataly Umaña, Roberto Palazuelos, Samantha Godoy {full_page}
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