Storyline : Set on a colorful Greek island, the plot serves as a background for a wealth of ABBA songs...
Storyline : Set on a colorful Greek island, the plot serves as a background for a
wealth of ABBA songs. A young woman about to be married discovers that
any one of three men could be her father. She invites all three to the
wedding without telling her mother, Donna, who was once the lead singer
of Donna and the Dynamos. In the meantime, Donna has invited her backup
singers, Rosie and Tanya.{full_page}
Stars: Amanda Seyfried, Stellan Skarsgård, Pierce Brosnan, Nancy Baldwin, Colin Firth, Heather Emmanuel, Colin Davis, Rachel McDowall, Ashley Lilley, Meryl Streep, Julie Walters, Christine Baranski, Ricardo Montez, Mia Soteriou, Enzo Squillino Jr.
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