Storyline : Manhattan, Upper West Side, 1957. Against the backdrop of the decaying tenements in the San Juan Hill...
Storyline : Manhattan, Upper West Side, 1957. Against the backdrop of the decaying tenements in the San Juan Hill neighbourhood and the constant threat of the wrecking ball, two warring gangs--tough Riff's Jets and swaggering Bernardo's Puerto Rican Sharks--fight for supremacy. Now, with a once-and-for-all, winner-takes-all rumble on the cards, an unexpected whirlwind romance at the high-school dance between former Jet brawler Tony and Bernardo's delicate little sister MarÃa sets the stage for an all-out turf war. But what's a gang without its territory? Above all, when the future is uncertain, what's hope without love? {full_page}
Cast : Rachel Zegler, Ansel Elgort, Ariana DeBose, David Alvarez, Mike Faist, Josh Andrés Rivera, Rita Moreno, Corey Stoll, Brian d'Arcy James, Ezra Menas
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