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Madrid, 1987 (2011)

Storyline : Madrid, 1987 a two-character story with a verbose discourse on writing, journalism, careerism, aging and politics. Shot ...

Storyline : Madrid, 1987 a two-character story with a verbose discourse on writing, journalism, careerism, aging and politics. Shot mostly within a very constricted space, the story follows an older, celebrated journalist Miguel who meets the beautiful and coy journalism-student Angela to give an interview - but becomes intent upon seducing her. They end up spending time in the most unusual manner ... {full_page}
Cast : José Sacristán, María Valverde, Ramon Fontserè, Alberto Ferreiro, Eduardo Antuña, Francisco Risueño, Miguel Castrejón, Bárbara de Lemus, Gloria Rodríguez {fbt_gallery_post}

Madrid, 1987 Spanish

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