Storyline : Louise Harrington, a divorced, thirty-something admissions officer at Columbia University's School of Fine Arts is intell...
Storyline : Louise Harrington, a divorced, thirty-something admissions officer at Columbia University's School of Fine Arts is intelligent, pretty, and successful, yet unfulfilled. That is, until a graduate school application crosses her desk and she arranges to interview the young painter. When F. Scott Feinstadt appears, he bears an uncanny resemblance to Louise's high school boyfriend and one true love, an artist who died in a car accident twenty years earlier. Within hours of the interview, Louise and Scott have embarked on a passionately uninhibited older woman {full_page}
Cast : Laura Linney, Gabriel Byrne, Lois Smith, Paul Rudd, Topher Grace, Jennifer Carta, Becki Newton, Chris Meyer, Marcia Gay, Harden Ross, A. McIntyre, Susan Porro, Stacy Lynn Spierer {fbt_gallery_post}
English Version
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