Storyline : In 1931, in Franklin County, Virginia, Forrest Bondurant is a legend as immortal after surviving the war. Toget...
Storyline : In 1931, in Franklin County, Virginia, Forrest Bondurant is a legend as
immortal after surviving the war. Together with his brothers Howard and the
coward Jack, the Bondurant family has a distillery and bootlegging business.
When the corrupt District Attorney Mason Wardell arrives in Franklin with the
unscrupulous Special Deputy Charles Rakes, the Bondurant family refuses to pay
the required bribe to the authorities. Rakes pursues the brothers and
unsuccessfully tries to find their distillery. Meanwhile Forrest hires the
waitress Maggie, a woman with a hidden past in Chicago, and they fall in love
with each other. Jack courts the preacher's daughter Bertha Minnix and deals a
great load of alcoholic liquor with the powerful gangster Floyd Banner. Jack
shows off in Franklin attracting the attention of Rakes that finds the
location of their distillery. When he kills the crippled Cricket Pete, the
locals join forces to face the corrupt authorities. {full_page}
Cast : Shia
LaBeouf, Tom Hardy, Jason Clarke, Jessica Chastain, Guy Pearce, Mia
Wasikowska, Gary Oldman, Noah Taylor, Dane DeHaan, Eric Mendenhall, Chris
McGarry, Bill Camp, Alex Van, Lew Temple, Marcus Hester, Tom Proctor, Mark
Ashworth, Bruce McKinnon {fbt_slider_post}
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