Storyline : In the Georgia town of Johnson's Mark, where they take hunting seriously, Belle and Bell are best friends, ho...
Storyline : In the Georgia town of Johnson's Mark, where they take hunting seriously, Belle and Bell are best friends, housemates in a trailer. On the day Bell dumps her boyfriend and Belle quits her job, they decide to take their dreams to Atlanta. They'll need about $2500, so they set out to find the money. Belle has various schemes (bingo, karaoke), and Bell, who tends bar, offers to dance with the highest bidder. Then, she starts to fall in love with that guy, a local deputy sheriff named Rhett Butler. Love, friendship, loyalties, and the need for cash may be on a collision course. {full_page}
Cast : Anna Faris, Laura Breckenridge, Justin Chambers, Frederick Weller, Heather Goldenhersh, Judah Friedlander, David Wheir, Jack McCarthy, Naima Lena, Zac Gardner, Laurel Ullman, Craig Myers, Tammy Arnold, Trevor Gagnon, Blake Cohen, Kevin Scanlon, Joanne Pankow
Southern Belles English
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